NOLA to Nationals: Part 2

Waking up to snow dusted foothills and fresh mountain air definitely put a spring in our step on Tuesday as we went about getting everything together for the following busy race day. I was in search of some new tires as conditions looked to be either snowy or muddy, but certainly not dry. After a full…

NOLA To Nationals: Part 1

Or, “From Bayou to Boulder”. Yeah, cyclocross is that addicting. After a year of firsts (century, road race, shorn legs, helmet smash, see-clio-cross), I decided to hitch a ride with Wes and Rob and head to the hills for the USA Cycling Cyclocross Nationals. Fresh off winning the #noob category of the Delta States Grand Prix…

DSGP Race No. 5 – Championship // Natchez, MS // Results + Recap

To say the Delta States Grand Prix of Cyclocross closed with a bang would be an understatement of the highest order. With the fury of a thousand suns exploding in unison, racers put in their final bids for glory in the region’s finest cyclocross series. The final race delivered action in droves, with no holds…