Fresh Pavement and a Proper Groundbreaking

One of the city’s most restricted arteries just underwent a massive bypass surgery. I am referring, of course to Esplanade Avenue, the thoroughfare connecting Midcity to the French Quarter and Marigny. Built along a naturally elevated ridge once frequented by Native Americans, Espalanade was paved over long ago and painted with two lanes in each…

Local Hardmen of the 512: Beat The Clock and Cycleast

Riding new roads is great, but at the end of the day, asphalt makes for a poor companion. A major highlight of our recent trip to Austin was the opportunity to link up with local riders who were not just solid in the saddle but genuinely cool people as well. Beat The Clock is an…

YYR On The Road: Austin, TX

This past weekend, Yeah You Ride went on a desert retreat with good friends from Semi-Tough Cycling Club. We rolled out of New Orleans, a caravan of hatchbacks, four men, five bikes, one chihuahua, all united in a quest for answers, thirsting for knowledge, and also Topo Chico mineral water. Saturday began earlier than any…

Texas Sized Espresso

Wishing we were riding bikes in Austin today! Look for coverage of Yeah You Ride and Semi-Tough Cycling Club’s trip tomorrow.

Dispatch From The Front Lines: Parisite Alleycat Recap

Yeah You Ride went on a desert retreat to Austin, TX, last weekend (more on that to come) and was forced to miss the Parisite Skatepark Alleycat Benefit. We are stoked to see more and more people putting on DIY races and are always down to help make them happen. Big ups to Ooti, Bike…

Tales of a Cat 5 Nothing

The Tour de Lousiane is the New Orleans Bicycle Club’s annual two day stage race. This being my second sanctioned race (the first being the Rouge Roubaix, purely a test of survival for me), I had no real expectations other than learning a thing or two. I caught a ride to the Northshore with Robinson…

Summer Sprint Series

Yeah You Ride is excited to announce a new, “business casual” competition circuit, the Summer Sprint Series. Riders will pony up and compete for cash in head-to-head drag sprints, with the top 3 sprinters taking home cheddar. Every month the location will change, as will the distance of the sprint. Originally conceived as a fixed…

Tour de Lac

I saw this photo of Weston McWhorter’s in January and knew I was missing out on something special. So when Townsend Myers invited the Semi-Tough Cycling Club to Tour De Lac part Deux, I knew I had to be there. While the ride around Lake Pontchartain doesn’t offer much in elevation change, the approximately 160 miles through the steamy…